viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Here you can do a quick test

Quick test


 Now you have to answer that questions, to know that uou understood the topic
  1. A sensor can be attached...
  2. What is telemetry? 
  3. Say 2 advantages of Data Logging
  4. Why we can use Data Logging? 
  5. Tell what is physical data and say 2 examples.
  6. Desadvantages of Data Logging
  7. Tell some examples of intervals
  8. What is an interval?
  9. Whay is so important data loging
  10. What is your name?

This is a video about Data Logging for understand better de explanation

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013


Key words

  • GPS 
  • Telemetry
  • Intervals

Quick test

  1. Why is data logging a better way to collect weather data comprared with humans taking meansurements?
  2. Data logging is used to monitor the driving behaviur of a lorry driver. What would be a suitable sampling interval for this?
  3. Give one situation where data logging temperature is used.
  4. Give two types of sensor that coul delect the passing of road traffic.
Data is sampled at intervals. The choice of interval is important because enogh data needs to be collected to make analysis meaningful.
Situation                                                                 Sultable interval
Cooling of a drink                                                  1 min
Temperature cnges in a explosion                           1 milisecond
Climate change                                                      1 hour
eg: temperatures

How data is logged

A sensor can be attached...
  1. to a data collection device that stores data directly to a computer
  2. to a transmitter
The data may be strored and processed later. The processing can be carried by using either spreadsheet or special software.

Telemetry is the use of telecommunications to transmit live data. Readings can easily be taken in remite or fast-moving locations and the results obtained immediately. In motor races, sensors on the cars transmit live data to the engineers about many things such as tyre temperatures , fuel, speed and gear canges.
The software that processes recorded data can display it in an easy-to-understand way. This is visualisation. The data can be used instantly to plot charts and create tables.

Advantages & desadvantages of data logging

Data logging is particulary useful in scientificnand envviromental research. It can be used to detect earthquakes and warn of possible tsunamis.
Data loggin can be combined with GPS technology to monitor the migratuins of animals such as walruses. It can also monitor changes in temperature and pressure in a explosion.
  • More acurate than human data recording
  • Can monitor data 24/7
  • Can feed straight into a computer system for processing or storage
  • Can collect data in difficult, dangerous or remote locations.
  • Can be inflexible
  • Might miss new opportunities if the system is not prograammed for them

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Data logging

Computers can take their input from all sorts of devices. They use input from sensors  in control applications. They can store and process data which us carry investigations.

Sensors take physical data and convert it to electrical signals. The electrical signals can then be converted into digital signals and fed into a computer.